Sunday, November 5, 2023

Always Looking Back to See Forward

    This last weeks kids classes were a great kick in the butt for me. It all came down to a couple of words. Review and engagement.

   It started with the Young Dragons doing shoulder rolls into a bow stance with two front thrust kicks, one on each leg. Started out fine but I noticed the students were quickly putting zero effort into the kicks, they were getting bored and "sloppy". So I changed up what they had to do each time, 

   I surprised them with a different kick combo each time. First, two fast front thrust (ft) kicks, switch leads, two more fast ft kicks. Okay but slow, now can you beat me? Remember, I'm old and you are not! Excitement is back, "no way this old guy is faster than me",  so lets build on this. Next, ft kick followed by round house (rh) WITHOUT putting your foot down. Deer in the headlights all around, awesome! You could tell most had never even considered COMBINING a kick. Double awesome. When the said they didn't think they could, I would show them. See, if the old guy can do it, you can too. Some immediately figured it out, I was smiling ear to ear, the way they picked up the challenge and OWNED it! I had one of the best classes ever, it still gives me goose bumps just looking back on it. And I really hope the students liked it as well.

   So my personal takeaway from this? This is many faceted. First, am I challenging myself every class, or am I floating, sloppy and bored? Does this personal "challenging" extend beyond the Kwoon? Second, am I reviewing things I may not have even know I had forgot. Like the Iron Cross, Seven Knife Hands, Poison Hands, Hidden Leg technique, Chokes and Wrist escapes, etc? There is SO much I have learned over the years, where to start? Third, I must make Kung Fu enjoyable and not a chore/hoop (which it isn't!). Cherry pick things from the past that are applicable to the path I am on. I can't review everything all the time but I can combine things to streamline my review. Like hidden leg with iron cross or Awaken the Dragon with stretching. 

   This is why Kung Fu is the best Martial Art ever, it is symbiotic if you let it be. The past, present, and future can work in harmony, it is just up to you/me to figure out how.

1 comment:

  1. Poison hands! I haven’t thought about that in years! Thanks for reminding me it existed!
