Sunday, October 25, 2020

Year of the Rat Reflection

 So here we are on day 272 of 383 in the year of the Rat (January 25, 2020 – February 11, 2021 + leap year =383 days, 71% gone), and where has the time gone? Have I accomplished what I set out to do this year? No. Have I used the extra time that this year gave us to achieve what I joined the IHC for? No. The extra time this year gave me has been squandered. I know there is still an good chunk of the year left, so I will make the most of that, not waste it. I should have used the first 272 days much more aggressively, more efficiently, but I did not. I could use all sorts of excuses why I am not where I want to be, but it would just be just that, excuses.

   I have made some personal gains, achieved some goals, and learned lots of new ideas and techniques in Kung Fu. I have even started to learn Tai Chi ( loves that Tai Chi ). But time is not on my side. I am not getting any younger ( no one is!! ), aches and pains are much more obvious that they used to be, blood pressure, weight gain, arthritis, etc.... blah blah blah. I do not want to use age as a reason for mediocrity, it should be a driving factor in my training and overall health and not a weight slowing me down. I want to be around for many decades to come, and not just alive, not a "what if I had only done...?" person, but someone who understands one self, the consequences of good and bad choices, living life to it's max and not just being alive. Kung Fu can and will make that much more likely to happen. 

   The year of the Ox is coming up on February 12, 2021 – January 31, 2022, that is only 354 day long. Just like that, 29 days shorter that the year of the Rat, less time for me to accomplish my next set of goals for a successful year, but so what. That is still totally doable. Only I can set that goal and only through my actions can I achieve success or failure.

    So I am going to start writing my personal requirement for next year as soon as I finish this blog so I can start to focus on the direction I need to take to make the most out of my time. 



Some mental bubblegum for you on the year of the Ox, this is just a few sites I hace read, I am sure there is a ton of inaccuracies here so reader beware, educate at your own risk.

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