Sunday, March 3, 2024

Inspire Through Actions

   Do as I say, not as I do. Probably the worst way to inspire someone into action. I say this because I got a glowing example of this this previous week. I don't remember the exact day or what class but here is the scene. 

   During class warmup, whomever was at the front leading the warm up (sorry - don't remember who it was) was getting the class to do some push ups. The instructor was doing push ups with them but some were only putting in, at best, half an effort. In jumps Master Brinker in the last row and starts blasting out push ups like a man possessed. The look on the kids faces was priceless! And their effort increased ten fold!! That was leading by example right there! It even woke me up and I jumped in as well, showing me I was not participating at a Black Belt level. My bad, lesson learned.

    So how can I expect fellow students to listen to me and give it their all if I don't? How can I give half an effort but expect others around me to step up and give it 100%? 

   Anyways, it always amazes me where and when lessons suddenly appear as if by cosmic necessity, showing me that I am slipping into mediocrity without even knowing it. Awesome...

P/up - 3292

S/up - 3260

Spar - 20

1609 km - 133.45

Aok -  125

Hand form - 19

Weapon form - 42 (beta close - I think) 

 Mastery - 1

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