Sunday, April 23, 2023

Your Training is My Training

    First off, April 22 2023 Earth day clean up at Rotary park. What a turn out! Thank you to all who took the time to show up and do their part for our great Mother Earth. Best turn out in years proving that many hands make light work. Again, you have my thanks.

   So back to my topic of this week's blog. Thursday's optional class for the IHC. 

   It was a decent turn out, so much so that I had no room to practice my weapon form expansively. Therefor I migrated to the back of the training hall to give others more room and that is where I found the gold. Two of my fellow Kung Fu'ers were back there practicing, we engaged in conversation and a great mutual practice began. Some Lao Gar and Da Mu Hsing ensued and low and behold, thoughts turned into questions then into actions then into Kung Fu. Next thing I knew, I was covered in sweat and it was time to go home. Awesomeness.

    I think that for myself, this was exactly what I needed. Practice with a purpose. Instead of aimlessly practicing this or that, we focused on some key fundamentals, things I don't go out of my way to purposely work on very much. And by doing this, it opened some avenues of thought for me. Stances, rotation, centering, eyes and the ever watching presence of the "eye for detail". All great things to work on, all necessary to keep fresh all the time. By working on these with them, their training became my training, how great is that! 

   It is so easy to see sometimes how being engaged is a piece of cake. As Master Brinker would say," it's just Kung Fu". How true.


  1. You were on fire that day! Really helped me out with my Lao Gar! Thanks!

  2. The right place is the Kwoon and the right time is when you are there.
