Last night I had both the privileged and responsibility of attending an event that I take great pride and am very humbled to be allowed to be part of. This yearly event re-affirms my beliefs and responsibilities as a Black Belt. It reminds me that I am not alone in my journey, that I have the most amazing support group imaginable. The lineage, the history, the traditions, the expectations, the acceptance, it can all be overwhelming at times. But this group of people have got my back, always. They want me to succeed as much, if not more, than I do.
I take being a black belt very seriously. Every day I ask myself (internally) whether or not what I am doing or saying furthers my path to mastery or diminishes it. It is hard, there is no denying that, but it is hugely fulfilling at the same time. I make errors in judgement, a lot, I accept that. The thing is did I correct/learn anything from it? If not, why not, if yes, carry on Daddyo. It is a constant struggle that is mostly self imposed. The company I keep, the foods I choose, the use of time, all within my control. So am I doing right or wrong by my choices, that is my constant question of myself.
Reaffirming my responsibilities as a black belt give me a chance to re-access who I am. Good or bad, my truth is right there in front of me, I cannot and will not hide from it. I am not perfect, but knowing that and accepting that allow me to realize that I am working towards trying to be a better human. There is no giving up on myself, I am only here for a blink of an eye, so I must make a small ripple in the pond of my time for the good of my existence. Being a dad, husband, son, uncle, friend all come with very similar responsibilities to being a black belt. They overlap all the time. So I must make good choices, not easy choices. Sometimes these are the same but usually they are not. But I am willing to put in the work because the reward/enlightenment is so much greater.
So being a black belt is amazing, if you let it be. Last night reminded me of that, and I will do my utmost to never tarnish the ideals that it represents.
Push Ups 27160
Sit Ups 25451
Sparring 640
1609KM 1827.20 km
Acts of Kindness Recorded 1525
Hand Form 537
Weapon Form 560
Mastery recited 20
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