Sunday, April 21, 2024

Why I Blog

   Excerpt from my first day at Silent River Kung Fu as a student.

March 3, 2014 Monday

 1st night. Lots of jitters, very nervous that I am going to make a fool of myself. Instead, had a lot of fun. Started with basic kicks, front snap, front thrust, and straight leg.  Paired up with Deb and Sihing Timchuck. Went over bowing in, first 4 moves of da mu hsing. Then paired up with a young guy (didn't catch his name) to work on a submission technique. Slide to side, ridge hand to groin, lift elbow, grab arm, knife hand to chest, step on leg, hold 1 arm up and choke hold. What a combo to learn on the first night. Great people there, think we are going to really enjoy this, Deb even said she had fun (and that really makes me happy).

   This was my first. It was the first of many, many, many I have written. It is a snapshot in time. It will never happen again. It was a simple summary of my first night as a Kung Fu Martial Artist. Without this little story there is no way I would have ever remembered that moment in time. It, to me, is priceless, one of a kind, non-repeatable because that moment is gone forever. But thankfully I wrote this down and now I can look back and see where I was and what I was doing. That is why I blog!

   My blogging helps me define my thoughts. It helps me reflect on who I am. It is a staple in my life because it has transformed not only the way I look at myself but also forces me to make myself vulnerable to others. Not blogging is not an option for me. It predates my Kung Fu journey and it will continue on as long as I can still get my thoughts into coherent meaningful words to "paper". 

   I am lucky enough that blogging is actually very easy. Gift for gab? Verbal diarrhea? Take your pick, but it is a release for me to blog. I actually usually have multiple things I want to blog about, but I limit what I post as there is already enough "noise" out there. Short and sweet (usually), that is what I strive for in a blog (this one isn't really following that format, sorry). 

   So I blog. And blog. And blog. It is primarily for me, but if others read it, all the better. Thanks for reading.

P/up - 8977

S/up - 8860

Spar - 145 min (no change)

1609 km - 400.11 km

Aok - 250 recorded

Hand form - 65

Weapon form - 85 (no change)

 Mastery - 7

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