Sunday, January 21, 2024

Done for Me or You?


   This picture is a single point in time. It cannot be repeated. It will never happen again. But to me it is forever. It is a cornerstone in my own personal foundation. The journey to get to this single point in time took fifty-two years of my life. The fabric of time that was weaved by me to be there at that point in time is a Gordian knot, and it cannot be easily undone. 

   We (2nd degree Brown Belt and company) had a discussion in class Saturday morning that reinforced the importance of that moment. A simple question was asked about the importance of a requirement (to be named at a later date), and the enlightenment that followed was monumental. I will not try to pretend that I can even come close to duplicating the passion that was expressed to us by Master Brinker on this, but suffice to say, I was in awe. 

   My limited perception of the reality of what I thought I understood about being a Black Belt was put to task. Past, present but most important, the future. What am I doing with my Kung Fu? I know for a fact I do not want to be an orphaned black belt, that is get my black belt then just vanish thinking I have achieved what I came for. Nope, no sir, no way!

   As I had said earlier, my Black belt is a cornerstone and cornerstones are meant to be built on, not stand alone. My Kung Fu will be a palace, a fortress, a monument of light, never ending. My Kung Fu will be shared with others, it will be a cherished companion throughout my life, it will forever be part of who I am. The lesson I still need to learn are beyond my scope of awareness, but I am here and ready and willing to learn.

   So I am going to redo my requirement that we talked about, and see where I am now versus before. Have I grown, am I stagnant, where am I am what am I doing?


 As a side thought......

Am I a Super Nova or a Black Hole? Am I a blinding bright light that consumes all around it as it explodes outward till it fizzles out and dies or a silent invisible force that isn't seen but effects all around it by the sheer power of it's attraction? Now I am paraphrasing here when I ask that question but boy it got me to thinking.

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