Sunday, December 31, 2023

My Precious Rusty Atrophy

    It's amazing how fast skills can erode or disappear all together. I went to do a few forms last night while outside BBQing, and quickly realized nope, that is not how this form goes, or this one, or this one. I was mashing three forms together, Yikes! Obviously I am not practicing as I should be, I wasn't just rusty, I was lost. Now to tell the truth, I was more just going through the motions so that my time in front of the BBQ wasn't wasted by me just twiddling my thumbs, but still! I know better. I need to do each rep with a purpose, not just because. My bad entirely. 

   So this morning I am reviewing my forms, all of them, and seeing just where I want to focus on so I can fix one technique that will help with ALL the forms. No more silo, like the mighty Tolkien said (modified for Kung Fu of course) " One technique to rule them all, one technique to find them, One technique to bring them all, and in the Six Harmonies bind them " So sorry for any LOTR fans out there but this is just how my brain works.

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