Sunday, July 23, 2023

Time Domain Multiplexing

   I must admit, this concept is brilliant, to me, but it might not be for all. 

   First some context. Second degree class July 15th. Master Brinker discussing rotation, release, flow and timing (together but independent) and the six harmonies plus flow between techniques. It was an in depth discussion, so there is no way I can summarize it with any justice as to it's content. But I did take away the golden nugget of Time Domain Multiplexing (if you say this in a spooky spacey voice, it reads better, so try it). At first I was dumbfounded, then I was intrigued, now I am starting to catch what he was laying down. Kinda. I will do my best first attempt at putting it into Don Thought (again with the spooky spacey voice if you please). 


   Start with the six harmonies

1-hands and feet, 2-elbows and knees, 3-shoulders and hips (3 external)

4-spirit to intent, 5-intent to chi, 6-chi to power (3 internal)

   These are all independent of each other but intertwined (independently together and intermittent). They each can act on their own, do their own thing, BUT they also support each other. If you start to remove one or two or five of them, the others are affected both directly and indirectly. There is a balance that must be maintained for cohesion and flow (there is that word I keep hearing about -flow). 

   Now the multiplexing 

  So let pretend I'm in a right leading bow stance, I step forward and punch with my left hand. All six harmonies MUST align at the final release of my energy at the end of my fist for this to have any effectiveness. My skeleton must align, my fists must rotate together and the last moment, my eyes must be up, and so on, all of it builds as I move through my slide step forward and comes to a singular point of focus at the end of my fist, releasing it’s energy and starting the process all over again for the next move. If one or more of those harmonies is out of tune, things start to fall apart.

   Using my little diagram below has helped me visualize this greatly, On the left is my 6 harmonies, doing their own thing independently, then I start my technique, that’s the arrow head, funnelling (combining?not the words I want to use for now but oh well) the harmonies together, then BOOM, they combine and my technique is complete, that’s the arrow. Now the harmonies release (reset?) and await the next technique. 

   I don’t like how I have said this but it is what I have for now. I may revise this as I understand more, I will see,

                       6 harmonies     focusing of technique        release     6 harmonies