I Am....Patient
Christmas lights. Nothing tests my patients like taking down and putting up Christmas lights. Today was my day to finally put everything away till this fall. It wasn't snowing (finally) or raining, it was sunny and warm, we should have been golfing but Covid strikes again (Deb is isolating so so are we). "Be patient Don" I tell myself.
No matter how hard I tried, things got tangled, plastic broke, pieces just up and vanished, each cord seems to have three ends or no end at all, half the lights are faded or broken, I was really tempted to just leave everything up permanently. Unfortunately, my lawn mower would make short work of most the lawn decoration and then I would just have to buy new ones and do this all over again. So take a deep breath, be patient and take my time, what should have taken an hour took three, but everything is away in it's cozy little place, ready to be put out again this fall. Score one for patience.
And I thank Kung Fu for this. Every time I was about to go toe to toe with a Santa or a snowman inflatable, every time a cord had magically wrapped itself around my body like a hungry Boa Constrictor, every time I was extra gentle with a glass figure only to have it explode after I put it down, every time something bashed me in the shin just cause I have shins, I thanked Kung Fu for teaching me patience.
Seriously though, I am in this life for the journey not the destination. My life has many sign posts telling where I have been and what I have done, some bad, most good/great. The patience I now feel in my life has allowed me to savor most everything, to be able to slow down and drink in my limited time on this earth.
But I must be careful to not allow my patience to become inaction or procrastination. My patience must have a purpose, a means to an end. It must also have a dash of urgency, tempered by a pinch of inner peace. Patience must balance action and reflection, complimenting each other, working towards a ideal. What that ideal is is up to you.