Saturday, December 18, 2021

Needed That

    Forms. I may have mentioned a few times in previous blogs that I love forms. Well this past Wednesday in class, Sifu Langner re-introduced me to my reason for my love of forms. This time it was my high back stance (or lack there of). I thought I was doing a high back stance, I was not. Again, my eye for detail was not as focused as I thought it was. I was doing what was easy, not what was correct. Since that time I have done repeated high back stances, and I am finding old habits are extremely hard to break. So all I can do is to take this one step at a time. First correct, not protect 😁. Then analyze, then correct again and so on. The high back stance is difficult but not impossible so I will work at it till I can look in a mirror and say “hey man. nice stance”. 

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