Busy, but not. Exhausted but energized. Excited but hesitant. Worthy or pretending? So many feelings and thoughts are going through my mind, body and spirit as grading day(s) approaches. We have been talking a lot about being prepared mentally,physically and spiritually by September in our Saturday morning candidates meetings. Am I? Am I not? Someone much smarter and well spoken than me once wrote....
.“To be, or not to be? That is the question"
Simple question right? Not! Looking inward, I ask myself, "what does it mean to me "to be or not to be" a Black Belt"? So simple a question, with a 2000+ year old answer that is always evolving but still manages to stay the same.
Morality, mental, physical and spiritual morality. That is the word that comes to me first. And who is to judge my morality. It obviously starts with me. If I cannot believe in my own morality, I do not deserve to be a black belt. I like to believe I am a moral person, some may argue I am not. To each his own I guess. The path I try to follow for me to feel "moral" is a winding labyrinth of light and darkness, but I try to face the darkness head on so I can bask in the light without regret. I have failures, they hurt, they can be discouraging, but I try to learn from each one. Sometimes there is no lesson to be learned, and that in itself is the lesson. But the successes, oh how sweet they are. Their light crushes the failures into dust.
That is how I am approaching my black belt grading. Any failures are just lessons to be learned, any successes are to savored and enjoyed.