Sunday, May 10, 2020

But I thought

   Spring!! Sun!! Nice weather!! ABOUT TIME!! Now I can really focus on so many different things, Most importantly, our yard is finally usable as an outdoor Kwoon. This means space to do forms fully, not kicking walls or chairs. This means getting to freak out the neighbors when we go out and start swinging our weapons around and doing forms. This means adaptation..... waaaa?
   What I mean is our yard is not flat and our dog loves to dig little holes ( part gopher I think ). I went out yesterday and started to do Lau Gar, interesting experience. Marked my spot to start, got into the moment, started, then..... sidewalk ( trip) - gopher hole (stumble) - slight height change in grass (almost fell over backwards) - sun in my eyes.... grrrrrrrrrrr.
   But I thought this would be so much better!!! Outside, more room, fresh air, you know, perfect! But what is with all these obstacles?? Whoa, step back Don, think about it, are these really obstacles or are they opportunities? Am I stumbling and tripping because of the yard or...... am I over committing to my stances? Am I just doing the form or am I feeling the form?
   Time to slow the form down a little and "feel" my connection with the earth. To "feel" my footwork before planting, before sliding, before committing. I am actually now really excited to go out and adapt to this, what an unexpected opportunity to advance a little, thanks Covid!


Number and recording of...

   I must admit that for some reason this year I am having a hard time keeping up with recording my numbers in my book. This is actually causing my a lot of grief. I know I am falling behind on some of my numbers because I am not "seeing" my progress and I am "assuming" my progress. STOP doing this Don! I get why recording my progress is so important, so here is my public kick in the butt for that, bad Don, get on it!!


   Anymore thought on a Demo for the Tiger Challenge?
   My family and I ( I haven't told them yet, surprise family!! ) are going to do short videos on our hand and weapon forms so that if a techy person wants to compile these at least we are ready. We will try to keep them as short as possible like last years demo, about 45 seconds or so.

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