So here we are on day 234 of 365 in the Year of the Pig. That's 64%ish done, 36% left. My question to myself is, "Self, are you going to succeed this year with your mandatory AND personal requirements, and if not, why?". So here are my up to date current numbers on the year for all to see.
Mandatory requirements
1 - No Quitting Still here!
2 - 50000 push ups 38,140/50000 = 76% ( on track )
3 - 50000 sit ups 38,351/50000 = 77% ( on track )
4 - 2 forms X 1000 reps each
- hand form 302/1000 = 30% ( way behind but still achievable )
- weapon form 400/1000 = 40% ( way behind but still achievable )
5 - 1000 rounds of sparring 325/1000 = 33% ( way behind but still achievable )
6 - 1609km journey Completed Aug12 ( still journeying but now just for fun )
7 - 1000 Acts of Kindness Completed Sept 24 ( Still kinding but that's me )
8 - mend a relationship Have mended several and am better for it
9 - journal once a week obviously!
10 - at least 3 public appearances
- 1 farmers day parade
- 2 canada day demo
- 3 agro society demo at Spruce Grove grain tower
11 - learn to lion dance I am and always will be a tail, and I love it!
12 - Tiger Challange Wasn't one but watch out next year !
13 - Miss no meetings The only ones I missed were excusable, life happens
14 - excel in curriculum I read and review regularly, excelling is not for me to judge
15 - help with school projects reno week, potatoe bake, check!
16 - learn mastery voice recorded myself reading it and "we" review it regularly
17 - Adopt a driveway soon
- kwoon maintenance check
- raise $20000 as a team break-a-thon soon
- all projects and initiatives trying to stay as involved as others will let me
Personal Requirements
I have 7 personal requierments, 6 are doing somewhere between okay and awesome. The 1 that I haven't undertaken yet is a conundrum, learning to properly swim ( lessons, not just goofing around, I can swim ). I see it's value, understand it's not huge but still I have no desire anymore to do it. Do I consider this to be a failure, no, I consider it to be a choice. I know that undertaking this will be physically demanding in ways that I don't think my old body will adapt to. I do not want to take the chance of damaging/over working my wrists, shoulders and hips any more than they already are. I am not as pliable as I once was and need to be realistic as to the limitations of my body. Maybe by easing into this requirement over an extended period of time and not rushing so I can fill a check mark in a column is the way for me to do this.
Those are my numbers so far, please share yours.
I Ho Chuan "Righteous and Harmonious Fist"
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