Sunday, August 18, 2019

Over 1/2 way! Focus Focus

   So we are just over 1/2 way through the Year of the Pig. Where did the time go? But the more important question is, am I where I thought/hoped I would by by now. I can give that a resounding yes/no.  My mandatory numbers are ever so steadily moving along, in fact, my 1609Km is technically achieved. But on the other hand, my hand form, weapon form and rounds of sparring are no where near where they should be. But on the other hand, 1000 AOK is almost achieved, but but but.....

   I guess it is time to shift my focus to get rid of the "buts" and turn them into "achieved". Only I can make that switch in focus, so "click", focus re-focused, I hope. So instead of a long winded blog, I'm heading downstairs to "the room" and get my Kung Fu on.

Chow for now

Go Team Pig!!!!


Sit ups   31551

Push ups   31393

Sparring   280

1609Km   1652.09Km!!!

AOK   845

Hand Form   236

Weapon Form   327

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