Sunday, May 5, 2019

Day 90 - I like to analize - progess/perspective


Push ups 15460/50000 = 30%
Sit ups   15214/50000 = 30%
AOK   406/1000 = 41%
1609km   543km/1609km = 34%
Sparring   232/1000 = 23%
Weapon Form   189/1000 = 19%
Hand Form   103/1000 = 10% ( Yikes ! )

Amount of year gone ( already ) 90/365= 25%   4/7 on track, better change that!

Personal requirements

   Out of the 7 I wrote down for this year, 2 are moving along nicely, 3 are weather dependent ( so just starting to awaken ), and the last 2 I was planning for a late summer - early fall kick off ( so good? ).

Overall - getting there.

   Will I keep going after I finish my requirements? I sure hope so. I am really enjoying the morning routine that this has created. Before the I Ho Chuan and the "requirements", I always seemed to have an excuse not to do things. Now I have a reason to push away the sedimentary lifestyle I seem to have adopted and opt for a better "life". Not to say I was wanting for more before this year long journey, but once I started on it, I realized how much more is achievable by wanted action instead of purposeless inaction. So many of my fellow I Ho Chuan  team mates have giving me advice and guidance that it is becoming hard to thank them all. So a great big blanket "THANK YOU" to those of you that I have had the pleasure so far to interact with.

   Time to get at it, morning routine that is, so chow for now........

     Go   Team   Pig   !!!

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